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Online Registration for NEW TK-8th grade students is now open for the 2024-2025 school year.!
Online Registration for NEW TK-8th grade students is now open for the 2024-2025 school year.!![]()
Online Registration for NEW TK-8th grade students is now open for the 2024-2025 school year.!
Online Registration Tips
2024-2025 School YearOnline Registration Tips![]()
2024-2025 School Year
Online Registration Tips
- Online Registration opened on Friday, April, 19, 2024 at 8:00a.m. for NEW TK-8th grade students. Please begin to gather all necessary documentation to upload during the Online Registration process. If you do not have a birth certificate, please request a copy for the county your child was born in for registration purposes.
- New parent and current parent links are different.
- Be sure to select the 2024-2025 School Year.
- If you are registering a new student, please update information for all other children you currently have attending McCabe. You will not need to update registrations during the summer.
- Create a new Parent Portal to register your new student. You'll have the option to join that child with your other children once the new student has been accepted.
- If you’ve forgotten your User Name or Password for your Parent Portal, contact the district office at (760) 335-5200 or email us at OnlineRegistration@muesd.net for assistance.
- Current Speech Students: DO NOT register as a new student. Contact the district office and we will move your child from Synergy’s preschool registration and have you update your child’s information and provide documentation.
- Current TK students do not need to reapply, simply update their information and attach current bills.
- Although not required, it is strongly recommended parents list their educational level and ethnicity during the online registration process.
- Be sure all appropriate boxes are checked for each parent.
- Include each parent/step-parent under parent, not under emergency contacts.
- Be prepared to include contact information for AT LEAST 3 emergency contacts. If additional contact space is needed, contact the district office and we’ll add the contacts for you.
- Be sure to add ALL new students or update current students BEFORE clicking “Submit.”
- Review and scroll to the bottom of the “Review/Submit” page and check the small box at the bottom of the page before submitting.
- Interdistricts: Parents are welcome to complete the Online Registration, but this does not guarantee the interdistrict will be approved. Interdistrict petitions are approved based on space.
- Declarations of Residency’s and Rental Agreements must be notarized and provide necessary documentation in the district office.
- Keep in mind, the busiest times in the office are during the arrival/dismissal of students and during lunch. Registrations during the busier times may take a bit longer.
- Immunizations will be accepted from outside of the country. Health and dental exams must be from a U.S. doctor.
- Click HERE for a list of required immunizations for TK-7th grade students.
- Health/Dental exam forms and waivers are available on the McCabe website. Click HERE to find the forms.
- Online Registrations will NOT be accepted without up-to-date immunizations and the health/dental exam(s) or waiver(s) for Kinder and first grade.
- Schedule physical and dental appointments NOW as it is difficult to get appointments as we get closer to the start of the school year.
- Asthma-Health Care Provider Authorization Form for medication taken during school hours for the 2024-2025 school year.
- A bus sign-up Google form will be available through the McCabe website in mid-June, once the current school year has ended.
- TK/Kinder/1st grade students WILL NOT be released from the bus unless a parent or emergency contact is at the bus stop to take their hand. Students will be returned to school for parent to pick up.
- Blue Notes: Should your child have an appointment, need to leave early, or have a change of plans for going home, please contact the McCabe office before 11AM for a Blue Note. This gives the teacher enough time to have the child ready when you arrive to pick them up.
- Breakfast and lunch will be free to all McCabe students for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Free/Reduced Lunch Applications will open online in August. Although lunches are free, we ask that each family complete and submit a Free/Reduced lunch application regardless of income.
- If you plan to deliver a homemake or fast food lunch to your child, please remind your child to check the office on his/her way to the cafeteria. To avoid classroom interruptions, students will not be notified when the lunch has been delivered.
- AERIES will be accessible to parents once the student has been placed in a class, usually after 5:00p.m. the Friday before the first day of school.
- ParentSquare is the parent notification system used by teachers and the district to communicate with our parent community. Once your child has been placed on a class roster, you'll have the ability to create your own ParentSquare account.
- Wish Lists will be posted on the website for the 2024-2025 school year in June. These items are simply suggestions for those who wish to purchase supplies. Supplies are NOT mandatory.
- Meet the Teacher Event: The last Friday before the first day of school: August 16, 2024 at 10:00AM. Feel free to bring the child and whoever may be picking the child up from school to meet the teacher.
SPEECH - If your child has participated in Speech services with the McCabe District, please contact the district office at (760) 335-5200 for specific instructions when registering your child.
Follow the steps below for our online registration process. Should you have questions or issues with the online registration process, please email us at OnlineRegistration@muesd.net or call (760) 335-5200 and our staff will make every attempt to assist you.
STEP 1: Registering your new student or updating registration for your current student online
Please be sure to select the correct school year. Once all student/family/emergency/health information has been entered by the parent or guardian online, a notification will be sent to the McCabe District Office to review your information.
FIRST-TIME McCABE PARENTS: If this is your first time as a McCabe parent, please visit the website below and click “More Options” to create your own ParentVUE account and register your child.
CURRENT McCABE PARENTS: If you currently have a ParentVUE account, please log in and add your new student. https://sdhome.sdcoe.net/mccabe/Login_Parent_PXP.aspx?regenerateSessionId=True
CURRENT TK STUDENTS MOVING TO KINDER - Simply sign into your ParentVUE account, click on the 'Registration' tab, and update your child's emergency contacts and health information for the 2021-2022 school year. https://sdhome.sdcoe.net/mccabe/Login_Parent_PXP.aspx?regenerateSessionId=True
MULTIPLE CHILDREN: If you have more than one child coming to McCabe for the first time, please be sure to enroll all children before hitting the ‘submit’ button for the 2021-2022 school year.
INTERDISTRICTS: If you reside outside of the McCabe district boundaries, interdistrict petitions requesting to attend the McCabe Union Elementary School District must first be released from the district of residence. STEP 1 may still be completed, but openings are not guaranteed until the school is reopened and are based on space.
STEP 2 - Providing Documentation to Complete Registration
FOR NEW STUDENTS: To complete STEP 2 of your registration and enrollment process, please upload to following documentation or visit the McCabe District Office to bring the required documentation listed below and complete the enrollment:
McCabe District Office (located in the Corfman School Office)
701 W. McCabe Road, El Centro, CA 92243
- Child's birth certificate
- Child's completed immunization records
- Current Health Exam dated March 1, 2022 or later for 22-23 school year
- OR Health Waiver (TK/Kinder only)
- Current Dental/Oral exam dated September 1, 2021 or later for 22-23 school year
- OR Dental Waiver (TK/Kinder only)
- Parent Photo ID
- Current Proofs of Residency (see Allowable Proofs of Residency below)
New student registrations are NOT complete until all proper documentation has been received and reviewed by our office staff. Once documentation has been received, reviewed, and approved, you will receive an email stating your registration has been accepted.
ALLOWABLE PROOFS OF RESIDENCY (New and Returning Students)
As per AR 5111.1, allowable proofs of residency are as follows and must include parent name, address within the McCabe School District boundaries, and CURRENT DATE within the past 30 days:
Homeowners (upload 2 of the the following bills through ParentVUE - must be different bills)
- Mortgage statement or current Close of Escrow
- Property tax statement/payment receipt dated within the past 30 days
- Gas bill
- Water bill
- Electricity bill
Renters (upload rental agreement and 2 of the following bills through ParentVUE - must be different bills) - rental agreements must be notarized
- Gas bill
- Water bill
- Electricity bill
- Rental property contract or lease (must be notarized)
Declarations of Residency (student & parent living with another family) (MUST provide residency documentation in person)
Declaration of Residency forms must be notarized and bills must be submitted in person at the McCabe District Office.
- Pay stub
- Voter registration
- Correspondence from a government agency
- Bank Statement
- Change of address from USPS
Should you have any questions or issues with the online registration process, please email us at OnlineRegistration@muesd.net and our staff will make every attempt to assist you. You may also visit our website at www.muesd.net.
FOR RETURNING STUDENTS: ALL returning students are required to upload current residency documentation or bring in residency documentation prior to August 1st. Students with incomplete registrations will NOT be assigned to a class list.
7th Grade Tdaps: ALL 7th grade students must have proof of receiving a Tdap vaccination. Feel free to upload your child’s Tdap proof (i.e., immunization card or pharmacy receipt signed by a U.S. doctor or pharmacy.
INTERDISTRICTS: If you have moved out of the McCabe district boundaries within the past year, please apply for an interdistrict petition through your district of residence. INTERDISTRICT PETITION PAGE
Links and Forms