- Resources
- School Information for 24-25 School Year
- Student Absence Reporting
- Enrollment/Registration
- Parent, Student, and Staff Resources
- Parents
- Aeries Parent Portal
- ParentSquare
- MUESD School Visitors Policy
- Destiny Discover (McCabe/Corfman Library Access)
- Linewize (Educational Hub for Parents)
- NEW Parent Notifications (AR 4144, 4244, 4344)
- Student School Insurance (JPA Risk Management)
- 2022 CA Pivotal Practice Award Winner
- School Wellness Policy
- Asthma/Medication on Campus Care Provider Authorization Form
- BP 6152 - Class Assignment/Student Placement
- Student Transportation Release Form 24-25
- Students
- Staff
- BP 6152 Class Assignment/Student Placement
- Parents
- Foster and Homeless Youth Information
- The Leader In Me
- Habit 1: Be Proactive
- Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
- Habit 3: Put First Things First
- Habit 4: Think Win-Win
- Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
- Habit 6: Synergize
- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
- Habit 8: Find Your Voice, and Inspire Others to Find Theirs
- Home
- Family Development
- Social Emotional
- The Speed of Trust
- Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures & Quarterly Reports
The McCabe Union Elementary School District launched a vision of leadership for our "Pride" in 2022-2023, when it officially became a Leader in Me school. Leader in Me is a whole-school transformation model that improves the performance of all school programs. As a Leader in Me school, students, families, and staff learn how to be responsible, show initiative, be creative, set goals and meet them, get along with people of various backgrounds and cultures, resolve conflicts and solve problems.
Dr. Covey, the author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, defines leadership as “communicating a person’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” As a Leader in Me school, everyone learns how to apply the 7 Habits to their personal and academic/professional lives. Leadership roles and events take place for our entire community, including our biweekly Leadership Rallies and our Annual Leadership Day. We also apply our leadership skills more deeply to academics through goal setting, data tracking, and student-led conferences. Together, we recognize and celebrate the greatness of each child and provide students with multiple opportunities to develop their full potential.
McCabe is the first school in the Imperial Valley to be recognized as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School!!! Lighthouse Certification means that we have implemented the Leader in Me at a high standard with strong outcomes in teaching leadership principles, creating a leadership culture, and aligning academic systems. Leader in Me Lighthouse Schools serve as exemplars to their community and other schools. Neighboring schools visit in order to see first hand how to implement leadership at their school.
Leadership is not for a few but for everyone. Leadership is not a position. It is action - the actions we take every day. Let’s be leaders together and inspire change in our communities. Our hope is that each of you will join us on this journey of greatness!
For more information, visit the Leader in Me website. Ongoing empirical research continually reveals evidence of the significant impact of the Leader in Me. See research highlights here.