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- BP 6152 - Class Assignment/Student Placement
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- BP 6152 Class Assignment/Student Placement
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BP 6152 - Class Assignment/Student Placement
McCabe BP 6152: Class Assignment / Student Placement
At the end of each school year McCabe staff determines student placements for the next school year. BP 6152 provides operational guidelines for the challenging and complex process of forming balanced and equitable classes.
Student Placement Considerations
Student placement requests are neither encouraged nor discouraged but provide parents a means of expressing special circumstances that might need to be considered. Parents are encouraged to carefully read placement information and make note of the deadline for submitting a student placement request. Parents who provide such information acknowledge that requests for specific teachers shall be used as only one of many determining factors which will be taken into consideration.
Student Placement Criteria – To create balanced and equitable classrooms, staff considers the following criteria:
- Balance of students based on gender, race, behavior, socio-economic status,
- Balance of students based on academic proficiency, enrollment in special services including but not limited to Title 1, ELD, special education, GATE
- Consideration of social or emotional variables, teaching and learning styles, student interests, readiness, behavior, motivation, and interpersonal dynamics
- Strengths of individual teachers, recommendations of the current classroom teacher, class size limitations
MUESD Student Placement Form
Parent input concerning student placement shall be made in writing using the MUESD Student Placement Form, and submitted to the principal by the deadline indicated on the form. The MUESD Student Placement Form is available in the District Office through Principal, Mr. Lopez.
Student Placement Decisions
Student placement decisions are thoughtfully made to create classroom communities that promote the growth and development of each student. Experiences with a variety of teaching styles and classroom environments help develop a student’s ability to apply strategies and adapt to changing situations. Please note that the final decision on all student placements rests with the administration.
McCabe teachers are a talented, dedicated, and professional staff that is committed to providing valuable learning experiences for students. Their efforts, combined with our hard-working students and parents who prioritize education help maintain our excellent educational programs. Parent support for both student and teacher is instrumental in the student's success in any environment. Thank you for supporting our learning community as our staff works to determine an appropriate placement for all students in the next school year.