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Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)

Every California employer must establish, implement and maintain a written Injury and Illness Prevention (IIP) Program and a copy must be maintained at each workplace or at a central worksite if the employer has non-fixed worksites. The requirements for establishing, implementing and maintaining an effective written injury and illness prevention program are contained in Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 3203 (T8 CCR 3203) and consist of the following elements:
  • Responsibility
  • Compliance
  • Communication
  • Hazard Assessment
  • Accident/Exposure Investigation
  • Hazard Correction
  • Training and Instruction
  • Employee access to the IIP Program
  • Recordkeeping
This model program has been prepared for use by employers in industries that have been determined by Cal/OSHA to be high hazard. You are not required to use this program. This model program was written for a broad spectrum of employers and it may not match your establishment's exact needs. However, it does provide the essential framework required for an Injury and Illness Prevention Program.