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Food Services, Maintenance & Operations, Technology, Transportation

Food Services

The Food Services department provides students nutritious meals at reasonable prices.  The district participates in the National School Lunch Program providing meals that meet State and Federal regulations that are in line with the Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Americans.  

Maintenance and Operations Services 

The Maintenance and Operations department is responsible for the maintenance and operations of the district’s facilities and custodial services. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that school grounds provide a safe, comfortable and accommodating learning environment for our students, staff, families and community.

Technology Services

The Technology Services department is responsible for planning, implementation, support, and maintenance of computer systems, data networks, software, business systems, student information systems, library systems, e-mail systems, and internet access. 

Transportation Services

The Transportation Services Department is responsible for all transportation services of the district. These include:  home-to-school transportation, field trips; transportation of sports teams; repair &  maintenance of buses, district vehicles & items of equipment. This department also performs  in-house maintenance services for the vehicle fleet. The Department is actively involved in training, education and certification of school bus drivers and bus attendant.