- Department & Services
- District Leadership Team
- Superintendent
- Directors
- Federal/State Projects
- Annual Employee Notifications
- Complaint Procedures and Forms
- Complaints Concerning District School and/or Employee
- Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures & Quarterly Reports
- "Williams Act" Uniform Complaint Procedures - Classroom Notice
- Williams Complaint Procedure
- Bullying
- Nondiscrimination in Employment
- Title IX Rights (Education Code 221.8)
- Title IX, Complaints of Sexual Harassment, by or against Employees
- Title IX, Complaints of Sexual Harassment, by or against Students
- Links
- Annual Parent Notifications
- Education Protection Account (EPA)
- Developer Fees
- Homeless/Foster Youth Services
- Mitigation/Construction Committee
- Principals
- Business Services
- Human Resources
- Office Staffs (McCabe, Corfman, District)
- Student Support and Intervention Services
- Food Services, M&O, Technology, Transportation, Health Services
- Food Services
- Maintenance and Operations
- Technology
- Transportation
- Health Services (Forms)
- Health and Oral Forms/Waivers (TK/Kinder/1st Grade)
- Medication Authorization Forms
- California Immunization Information
- Declaration of Residency Form (must be notarized)
- Dress Code Acknowledgement BP 5132
- Epi-Pen Authorization Form
- Free & Reduced Lunch Application
- Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and Accommodations
- Records Request
- Sports Permission Slip
- Student Technology Acknowledgement BP 6163.4
- Trip Slip
- Bus Ridership
- Approved Food List - Smart Snacks
Federal/State Projects
Federal/State Projects supports the development and implementation of externally-funded programs that advance the mission, vision and strategic initiatives of Seminole County Public Schools. Department staff provide technical assistance to district departments and schools on the acceptable uses of funds, as well as project and budget amendments, reporting, and project closeout.
Projects are funded under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), currently authorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), as well as other federal programs and special grant initiatives at the federal, state and local levels. ESSA includes provisions that broaden the definitions of educational excellence, while maintaining critical civil rights for all students, and providing the diverse, integrated curriculum and learning experiences necessary for a well-rounded education.
Federal projects (not including competitive projects) received by the district and managed by Federal Projects & Resource Development include the following:
Title I, Part A - Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
Title I, Part A of ESSA provides supplemental funding to schools serving areas of high-poverty (measured at each school by the percentage of enrolled students who qualify for free or reduced-priced lunch) to ensure all children have fair, equal, and significant opportunities to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on state academic achievement standards.
The McCabe Union Elementary School District receives an annual allocation of Title I dollars to provide additional interventions for students, professional development for teachers, and family engagement activities designed to help students succeed academically.
Title II, Part A – Teacher and Principal Training/Recruitment
The purpose of the Title II, Part A program is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders. Title II, Part A funds are managed by the Department of Teaching and Learning and support professional development activities focusing on evidence-based practices which are shown to improve student academic achievement levels.