- Department & Services
- District Leadership Team
- Superintendent
- Directors
- Federal/State Projects
- Annual Employee Notifications
- Complaint Procedures and Forms
- Complaints Concerning District School and/or Employee
- Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures & Quarterly Reports
- "Williams Act" Uniform Complaint Procedures - Classroom Notice
- Williams Complaint Procedure
- Bullying
- Nondiscrimination in Employment
- Title IX Rights (Education Code 221.8)
- Title IX, Complaints of Sexual Harassment, by or against Employees
- Title IX, Complaints of Sexual Harassment, by or against Students
- Links
- Annual Parent Notifications
- Education Protection Account (EPA)
- Developer Fees
- Homeless/Foster Youth Services
- Mitigation/Construction Committee
- Principals
- Business Services
- Human Resources
- Office Staffs (McCabe, Corfman, District)
- Student Support and Intervention Services
- Food Services, M&O, Technology, Transportation, Health Services
- Food Services
- Maintenance and Operations
- Technology
- Transportation
- Health Services (Forms)
- Health and Oral Forms/Waivers (TK/Kinder/1st Grade)
- Medication Authorization Forms
- California Immunization Information
- Declaration of Residency Form (must be notarized)
- Dress Code Acknowledgement BP 5132
- Epi-Pen Authorization Form
- Free & Reduced Lunch Application
- Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and Accommodations
- Records Request
- Sports Permission Slip
- Student Technology Acknowledgement BP 6163.4
- Trip Slip
- Bus Ridership
- Approved Food List - Smart Snacks
Nondiscrimination in Employment
This type of complaint is for use by a District employee or job applicant that has a complaint alleging that a specific action, policy, procedure, or practice discriminates against him/her on any basis specified in the District's nondiscrimination policies and/or that he/she has been subject to sexual harassment in the workplace.